# Finding roots of polynomials in p-adic integers using Hensel's lemma from padic import * from poly import * class PAdicPoly(PAdic): 'Result of lifting a root of a polynomial in the integers mod p to the p-adic integers.' def __init__(self, p, poly, root): PAdic.__init__(self, p) self.root = root self.poly = poly self.deriv = derivative(poly) # argument checks for the algorithm to work if poly(root) % p: raise ValueError("%d is not a root of %s modulo %d" % (root, poly, p)) if self.deriv(root) % p == 0: raise ValueError("Polynomial %s is not separable modulo %d" % (poly, p)) # take care of trailing zeros digit = self.root while digit == 0: digit = self._nextdigit() self.order += 1 self.prec += 1 def _nextdigit(self): self.root = ModP(self.p ** (self.order + 2), self.root) self.root = self.root - self.poly(self.root) / self.deriv(self.root) # coercions automatically taken care of